Wednesday 2 May 2018

A Safe Way To Get Rid Of Skin Tags

Having a flawless skin is everyone’s dream. We want to flaunt a clear and fair skin that we can be proud of whether you are a man or woman. But as we age, our skin goes through many changes aside from being exposed to the harsh elements day in and day out that it gradually deteriorates over time. You may even start popping those annoying skin tags that may be considered harmless from a medical perspective but can be damaging to your ego. It is a major issue if it grows in prominent body areas like your face and skin and not in its usual spots like the underarms and the groins and other skin folds.

If you feel that it is seriously damaging your appearance and messing up with your self-esteem, feel free to have it removed especially if you explore other options like natural remedies that are non-invasive and generally more cost-effective too. You don’t even have to consult a doctor first before getting it removed although some experts suggest getting it checked by a professional first especially that there may be a risk of it being cancerous. It is rare but it does happen, so better be safe than sorry. Cosmetic treatment, on the other hand, is expensive but is a safe, quick, and trusted way of addressing the issue for good.

But, you have to be very careful about the location of your skin tag. For example, if it is on more sensitive areas like around the eyes or lips, you have to consult a doctor for professional treatments. Accumulation of blood vessels and collagen is the major reason for the formation of skin tags. Also, obesity, hormonal changes during pregnancy, excess use of steroids and heredity contribute to this. There are many skin tag removal creams available in the market. But, nothing will be safe as using natural home remedies. Here are some of the most tried and proved home remedies for removing skin tags. 


Skin tags often form because blood and collagen have accumulated on the skin surface. It can also happen all of a sudden because a woman got pregnant or a person developed diabetes. However, it is something that you can expect to see more of as you grow old. You can see lots of options on the market for OTC skin tag removal solutions but nothing is safer than using natural remedies such as essential oils like tea tree oil or a similar solution. Apple cider, onion juice, or the juice of citrus fruits can also work. There are, of course, certain ingredients you may want to avoid on your skin.

Alongside the likes of tea tree oil, just dab it on the affected part religiously and wait for it to take effect. There is a downside, though, as it takes a long time for it to deliver the results you want. In this case, patience is indeed a virtue. Baking soda is also a universal remedy and it works in other skin issues too like if you want to lighten dark body parts.

Skin tags are an incredibly common problem amongst men and women that leaves them scrambling for a solution to the unattractive bumps. They appear often in the folds and creases of skin as tiny growths of skin cells, anywhere from a centimeter to an inch long. They are usually pigmented differently than the body’s natural skin tone which makes them even more visible. They are completely harmless and painless but can appear much like warts and often in groups which is not a favourable look. Because they are so common, there are several methods of removal, the fastest, and most effective, of which is at-home freezing kits.

The use of liquid nitrogen as a method of skin tag removal started in the medical clinic and was performed by medical professionals. Liquid nitrogen freezes the skin on contact so it can be a potentially risky process. This risk is eliminated with at-home kits because the dosage is minute and the applicators are ergonomically designed to protect hands from exposure to the freezing chemicals.


If you are not the patient type and would rather take the risk as long as you see instant results without undergoing any costly and invasive procedure, you can try at-home freezing kits which are growing in popularity these days. Unlike the other types that burn off the growth, this one freezes it so it falls off on its own. Safer solutions are here. Chemicals that burn is more aggressive than the ones that freeze tags so expect to see fewer side effects if you use the latter. Moreover, there is little to no possibility of it growing back since most freezing agents freeze not just the tag but also its root so it can no longer grow back.

The following article A Safe Way To Get Rid Of Skin Tags was initially published on


Friday 20 April 2018

Skin Tags Gone For Good

You should not obsess over physical appearance because a human person is more than that. As they say, don’t just a book by its cover. Like a pimple, you dread seeing these tiny bumps on your skin. They may seem harmless from a medical perspective but they can significantly impact your self-esteem especially if it decides to sit on your face or neck for everyone to see. It is common to see skin tags appearing as you age especially if you develop diabetes over time or among pregnant women but if it is a constant issue in your life, it’s better to get to the root of it all and have them removed for good.

Surgery is the sure way of removing skin tags but it is kind of expensive and not to mention that it is painful too but there are other options you can still explore that are more cost-effective and not as painful. Cosmetic surgery has its risk, if you want to get away with try natural remedies instead as many of them have proven to be effective in getting rid of skin tags although it may take some time. It is pretty easy to do too as you only have to apply these solutions like tea tree oil daily or other natural remedies for removing skin tags Some even have the idea of putting duct tape over the growth and wait for the tape to fall off on its own along with that excess pouch of skin.

3 remedies to remove skin tags- the natural way!

  • The most frequently used natural way of removing skin tags is to use tea tree oil. The product is extremely beneficial due to the presence of salicylic acid. The correct application method involves washing one’s skin with soap, drying the area, using a soaked cotton ball to which two to three drops of the oil must be added. Then rubbing it on the affected area every day two to three times and wait to see the tag disappear in no time. No doubt, this is indeed one of the best easy-going remedies for removing skin tags.• Dermicil for removing skin tags is also as effective. It is a natural way for sure but again one needs to check their skin types and condition before using it as it might give away to sudden rashes and allergies. Be careful while using any of the skin tag treatment methods when performing at home.• Castor oil is another inexpensive way of removing skin tags. Castor oil mixed with baking powder forms a paste. This paste should be more fluid like or less concentrated. Then apply the paste to the affected ares to get a tag free skin worthy to be looked at.


Knowing all these things can come in handy at times especially that you may grow it at least once throughout your lifetime. It should not be an issue if it does not get irritated due to friction but if it does, it is even more reason for you to search for that fool-proof skin tag removal that will clear your skin of this imperfection once and for all. You may be surprised to find out that some of these remedies can actually be found in your cupboard at home and does not cost much to purchase. Examples of which are apple cider vinegar, baking soda, garlic, or essential oils like tea tree oil.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Another wonderful natural solution is to use apple cider vinegar (ACV). It is acidic in nature and a natural antiseptic that can be used to influence the skin tag to fall off naturally. (5)

First, run warm water over the affected area until the skin tag becomes soft. Next, use a cotton ball or swab that is soaked with ACV and apply it to the skin tag for 20 minutes. Finally, rinse the ACV off thoroughly. You will want to repeat this treatment process two to three times a day, on a daily basis, until the skin tag falls off. (5)


There is more to life than obsessing about minor skin insecurities like skin tags. If you are not ready to face the risk of a surgical procedure or can’t afford to see a dermatologist, feel free to give any of these natural remedies for skin tags a try because who knows one of them may work for you. Just give it time to work and don’t give up right away because it may be able to give you that flawless skin you have been dreaming of but has been so elusive as of late. What’s important is that you are 100% sure it is just a skin tag and nothing serious before meddling with it with DIY skin tag removal solutions because some skin growths are actually cancerous and life-threatening.

The following blog article Skin Tags Gone For Good was first published on Remove Skin Tags Now!


Sunday 15 April 2018

Is It A Wart Or A Skin Tag?

The skin is the largest body organ and it serves a lot of purposes. It serves as the first line of defense and ensures no opportunistic pathogen can enter your body and trigger an infection. For the vain at heart, the skin can also do wonder for your aesthetics and is the reason why people spend a lot of money trying to look fab and glam because their appearance is the first thing that people see when they look at them. However, no skin is perfect. Even those people who spend for luxurious skin procedures and treatments aren’t necessarily assured they can have fresh and glowing skin. Some people, though, are blessed to be born with great skin that has little to no imperfections but most of us can’t relate.

There are common skin issues the majority of the population faces such as warts and skin tags. Some think they’re the same but in reality, they are not. Warts are caused by a virus, Human Papillomavirus (HPV), which causes the rapid replication of the skin cells once the virus gets in the body through cuts or scratches but you don’t necessarily grow warts even if you have contacted HPV yourself. It can grow in different body parts even the genitals that are actually considered as an STD. On the other hand, skin tags are simply a benign skin growth that is caused by too much skin friction and appears like a hanging skin and is usually very small to cause a major discomfort.

Statistics show that skin tags are more common in overweight people since they have more folds of skin. Plus, when the hormone levels change – due to pregnancy, diabetes, or other causes – the chance to get acrochordons increases. In most of the cases, you will not have to use a particular remedy, since the growths aren’t disturbing to the patient. Your doctor will recommend you the surgical removal of the skin tags or a natural treatment to eliminate the unaesthetic lumps.


Moles, skin tags, and warts are different growths of skin. Moles are usually brown or black and can occur almost everywhere on the body. It sounds familiar, right? However, moles start to develop during the first 25 years of an individuals’ life and, as time passes by, the growths will modify their appearance. They will become more prominent, and the color will change, as well. Hairs could grow in the mole – but that’s not a rule.


Skin tags often grow in skin folds such as the underarms, groin, and the neck, so there’s really no need to have them removed unless you experience some discomfort because of them and they usually are very small too, around 1 mm. in size. While they may look the same to the inexperienced eye, warts and skin tags are undeniably different. The only difference is that skin tags aren’t contagious and warts are since it is viral in nature. Meanwhile, formed blood vessels and collagen fiber is what makes up skin tags and appears to be dangling, unlike warts that have a cylindrical shape.

Natural Cures for Warts

Warts are the result of HPV or the Human Papilloma Virus. There are more than a hundred types of HPV and some are quite serious. The ways that they affect people usually has to do with their immune system.

Warts are caused by a relatively harmless strain of the disease and can often be helped by natural remedies like apple cider vinegar, garlic and bananas. There is even a scientifically approved treatment using duct tape which cured more sufferers in a study than the accepted treatment of cryotherapy (freezing).

Natural Cures for Skin Tags

Skin tags are benign skin growths that happen in the groin, neck, thighs and under the breasts as well as under the armpits. There range in size and are relatively harmless. These also may be related to HPV and they tend to happen in diabetics quite often.

Some of the natural cures for these include apple cider vinegar, which is a natural remedy for most skin problems, a paste made from castor oil and baking soda and tea tree oil.


Even if you have them, it does not mean that you have to endure it too. You can have them removed with the help of a medical expert, or use: Surgical procedures are quick and not as painful as you think. Some even use natural remedies to get rid of these annoying skin growths and it is usually effective especially for smaller growths that aren’t that visible to others. Whether your reason is for aesthetics or because it is already a discomfort to you or it lowers your confidence especially when you bare some skin, don’t let warts and skin tags become that big of a bother in your life. But to be safe, it makes sense to get checked by a doctor first to ensure that these growths are benign and does not have any underlying medical condition you should be worried about such as cancer.

The following blog article Is It A Wart Or A Skin Tag? Read more on: Remove Skin Tags Now Blog


Wednesday 11 April 2018

Is Your Phone Making Your Skin Look Older?

Modern life means the use of more technology in our daily lives. The widespread impact of the Internet of Things has made it easier for everyone to connect to the web and incorporate much of their daily routine online. Internet access is also widely accessible and cheaper too, so more people can go online now and the need to connect to the web is now even considered a necessity today and no longer the luxury that it once was. Smart technology plays a big part here and we can do more things with our smartphones today without even having to go far or spend a lot of money. As much as we enjoy the perks of modern living, it has its downsides too and it has to do with constantly exposing our skin to tech devices.

Your skin not only suffers from the harsh rays of the sun because you can experience the same effect even indoors. Constant exposure to the blue light emitted by your smartphone is also detrimental to your skin. The tech gadgets you use also plays a role in the way your skin looks. Blue light, for instance, speeds up aging, so don’t be surprised if you look older now that you’ve been glued to your smartphone or tablet all day and night long. Most people, young or old, are guilty of this. Our phones are usually the first thing we look for upon waking up in the morning and the last thing we tinker with before we drift off to sleep at night.

High Energy Visible Light (to give it its proper name) is a natural part of sunlight but it’s also found in this technological blue light. Visible light, unlike ultraviolet lights like UVA and UVB – which we already know causes skin damage – is light that can be seen by the human eye. While there’s no evidence yet that it causes skin cancer is quite the same way, there have been studies that have found that blue light produces more hyper-pigmentation than UVB.


Imagine all those hours you have made your skin to endure unnecessary blue light exposure because you can’t seem to put your phone down because of your obsession with social media. The effect of excessive blue light exposure is similar to the effects of being exposed to the harsh sunlight without sunscreen protection. You may eventually look cool in your circle of friends as you can use various filters to make you look good on photos but they’ll be surprised to see you in real life and you look way older in person because you’ve been making your skin suffer on a daily basis.

Research has shown that overexposure to blue light can, indeed, accelerate signs of aging, worsening the wrinkles, fine lines, and hyperpigmentation we've come to associate with too much sun. As dermatologist Howard Murad explains, "Excessive blue light accelerates the oxidation process, which elicits inflammation and damages the skin barrier, making it more prone to signs of aging, increased uneven skin tone, dullness, pigmentation, and fine lines and wrinkles."


Your skin deserves more care and attention than you currently give it. It is such a waste of money to indulge in space, expensive derma treatments, or fancy skincare products that promise eternal youth if you yourself are the one sabotaging your skincare efforts. It should be common knowledge by now about the blue light emitted by smart devices and its dangers. Since technology is already so widespread, why not make even better use of it by searching up ways on how you can protect yourself (especially your skin) on the dangers of blue light or how you can make your aging skin look younger and healthier using natural remedies. That way, you can still enjoy the many perks of technology without sacrificing your superficial beauty.

The blog post Is Your Phone Making Your Skin Look Older? is available on


Thursday 5 April 2018

Is There Really Such A Thing As Anti-Aging?

We all go through the cycle of life. From birth to old age, our bodies go through a myriad of changes that all people go through at certain points in their lives. Along with the passing of the years, your body grows old and it is a normal part of life. However, not all can accept this and would rather stay young looking. It is why they invest in expensive skin care routines and products that help them delay the onset of aging as much as possible. But the question is, are anti-aging products really effective or are beauty manufacturer just milking money from people with confidence issues. Is a daily swipe of cream or serum enough to put a halt to aging and let time pass by without any evidence showing on your face?

Well, skincare products that feature anti-aging properties really contain ingredients with known anti-aging benefits. However, you can’t really count on them to turn back the hands of time (in erasing wrinkles and fine lines) or put the time on a standstill because they may be effective but surely not that effective. You can probably get more luck with invasive dermatologic treatments such as Botox or cosmetic surgery because drastic changes are made on your face at a time but it takes years for skin care products for you to be able to see some visible effects of its application.

Ageing is inevitable and value neutral. Had it a singular will, the beauty industry would have us like King Canute, sitting atop a throne on the shore and roaring at the tide to keep back while drawing our brows on high and mad in a lower case letter ‘n’, like a very elderly Bette Davis.

The tide will do its thing, and so will time. Ageing is not objectively negative, and it cannot be reversed with anything we fling in a panic at our faces. It can be managed, however, and there is a difference between the natural ageing of the skin, and damage to the skin. The latter, we can do something about.


Today, most anti-aging products contain secret or mysterious ingredients that sound really ancient and organic. Many are really tempted to buy stuff loaded with snails or something equally exotic and slather big helpings of it in their skin along with the hopes that the Gods would intervene and bring forth a miracle that will help them defy aging for real and clear your skin of any imperfections. In today’s market, even women in their early 20s invest in anti-aging products that initially targets women in their 40s onwards. The cliché here is that most products that promise to be the fountain of youth are often pricey, which is why you can’t blame people for asking whether they really are worth all the hype it is getting.

The aesthetic needs and desires of patients are increasing. Health and fitness are no longer the key ingredients to staying younger for longer. Patients want to feel and look good, period. The needs of these patients make the field of aesthetic and anti-aging medicine a popular topic. Scalpel and surgical solutions are replaced by needles, anti-wrinkle injections, chemical peels, fillers, threads, microdermabrasion and laser, to name a few. All of these procedures need to be done by qualified medical practitioners certified as competent in these various aesthetic and anti-aging medicine procedures and interventions. The Aesthetic and Anti-Aging Medicine Society of South Africa (AAMSSA) is the official medical society committed to the practice, advancement and regulations of aesthetic and anti-aging medicine in South Africa, presenting all medical practitioners with an interest in this exciting and fast-developing field of medicine.


Fortunately, we no longer just have to rely on over-the-counter products to combat aging. It seems that the world is finally putting technology to good use by advancing the science of anti-aging so those who wish and can afford to undergo procedures that are meant to erase years off of someone’s face can do so at will. If you can’t, then you’ll just have to make do with cheaper alternatives like cleansers, creams, moisturizers, and serums that can gradually make you look younger without breaking the bank. You’ll just have to be a little patient, though, because no result is instant. Just improve your lifestyle to boost its effects and somehow be able to achieve that anti-aging goal you have that’s also all over the market today.

Is There Really Such A Thing As Anti-Aging? is courtesy of


Friday 30 March 2018

Olive Oil: Your Skin’s New Best Friend

When it comes to beauty and skincare, we love to experiment with a lot of things especially when it comes to natural remedies. Your skin is the first thing people see and it also serves a crucial function in protecting your body from diseases, so you should not hold back in pampering it and giving it the loving and attention it needs. You can only either go all out or go natural when caring for your skin. Remember that whatever you apply on your skin is absorbed by your body, so you got to be careful in choosing the types of products you use. As much as possible, use natural ingredients because they are safer to use. More often than not, you can already see them in your pantry and kitchen helping you save a lot of cash rather than splurging on expensive skin care regimens.

This kitchen staple is one remedy that can also be found in your kitchen: olive oil. The use of olive oil in enhancing your appearance is actually an ancient practice that even Cleopatra herself swears by it in her heydays. This luxurious oil is rich in anti-oxidant that fends of free radicals and is also hydrating too, so you’re left with soft and moisturized skin just like that of a baby. Other ingredients found in it is vitamin E that keeps the skin healthy even that of your nails. Aside from pampering your skin, you can also use it as a remedy because if you don’t know it yet by now, olive oil can help soothe dry, itchy, or inflamed skin, so you are both relieved of the pain and discomfort and left with healthy, smooth skin after.

Improving acne

One of the daily habits of people who never get acne is following a Mediterranean diet that includes olive oil. Actress Chloe Grace Moretz credits olive oil with getting rid of her acne. “I wash my face with olive oil,” she told Allure. “I swear my skin is so much clearer because of it.” In the same way olive oil can remove oil-based makeup (more on that later), it can help remove the oil from your skin. Plus, some studies have shown olive oil has antibacterial properties, which can help clear up skin infections that can lead to breakouts.


Olive oil also works great as an exfoliator that you can use to get rid of cracked heels, even that of chapped lips. It is also multifunctional as you can use it to remove makeup if you don’t have a makeup remover on hand or even double as a shaving cream and leave you with real soft legs sans the annoying hair. People also rave about its anti-aging properties mainly because of the antioxidants and polyphenols it contains, making olive oil an all-around skincare remedy that you can afford but still deliver the results you are looking for.

Scrub and exfoliator

Exfoliation helps remove dead skin cells, allowing skincare to better absorb into skin. And to make your exfoliation routine extra effective, simply add a few drops of olive oil to your usual scrub for a soothing and moisturising boost. Or to make an all-natural scrub, simply mix a half cup of brown sugar, a half cup of olive oil and a few drops of your favourite essential oil together in a bowl.


Olive oil not only moisturizes and fights off bacteria especially the ones responsible for the unwelcome zits on your face but it also boasts of anti-cancer properties as well. You can use it plain or added with other similar natural ingredients like lemon and sugar for exfoliation but you can also purchase commercial skincare products infused with olive oil especially if you can’t tolerate the extremely sticky feeling (of course, it is an oil). If you can find one, choose extra virgin than the regular types of olive oil and never forget that olive oil is a heavy oil and you either need to rinse it properly or wipe it off completely to let your skin breathe and ensure all your pores are open.

The following blog article Olive Oil: Your Skin’s New Best Friend Read more on:


Sunday 25 March 2018

Tips For Flawless Skin

We were all born with fresh and flawless skin but it degenerates over time. The normal process of aging, the stress of daily life, and pollution, among others, are constant threats to your skin’s integrity. You can’t help it but sooner or later, those wrinkles and fine lines will start to appear and those crow’s feet that shows up when you laugh may mean years of happy memories but definitely not a great sight to see especially when you look at your face in the mirror. Nowadays, even women in their twenties already invest in skin care including anti-aging products. The environment is no longer friendly to the skin and you need all the help you can get to stay as youthful-looking for as long as possible.

When it comes to skincare, you don’t necessarily have to buy all those expensive creams and serums when simple skincare tips can go a long way in saving your wallet without compromising your skin health that people of all age and sizes (and race) can do without any sweat at all. Even using the best skin care products is no assurance you can get the results that you want if you have poor skincare practices. Just simply removing your makeup at the end of the day is a good practice since you remove any irritating chemicals from seeping deeper into your skin that may ultimately lead to breakouts when you wake up in the morning.

Never sleep with makeup on!

Weather you have heard this before or not, but sleeping with makeup is the biggest no-no in the quest for healthy skin. Why? Because it can have very damaging effects. There’s an oil build up overnight which leads to clogged pores and it goes downhill from there. That is; pimples, darkened skin, wrinkles, dull skin etc. Save yourself the trouble and make efforts to always wash off your face before sleeping at night or use a cleanser at best!

Water is the skin’s best friend

Weather you drink loads of it, splash it on your skin, or even swim in it water is and will always remain a great hydrant which cleans the system with and without. When you drink several tall glasses a day, it is not just for great skin but also for better bowel movement which in the end; improves the appearance of the skin. 


Aside from religiously removing your makeup, drinking at least 8 glasses of water will keep your skin hydrated and moisturized, thereby saving you from the woes of dry skin. You can’t stop the years from adding up and you won’t stay young forever. It’s a fact of life but there is something you can do about aging gracefully, right? It may not exactly be the flawless skin you are dreaming of but something (hopefully) close to that. Drinking lots of water help a lot as it keeps your skin hydrated and keep you healthy too.

Moisturise your skin: Keeping your skin hydrated at all times is one of the most important beauty tips for avoiding lines and wrinkles. Oil-free moisturisers are great for both oily and dry skin types. 

Don’t forget sunscreen: Applying sunscreen is an essential skincare routine to avoid damage. Use only SPF protected creams and make-up products, and avoid exposure to direct sunlight when plausible.

Exfoliate!: Exfoliation is essential to purge your skin of all the dead cells and blackheads once or twice a week. You can book salon services at home to get this treatment done by experts.

Antioxidants are awesome: Protect your skin from the harmful effects of pollution and UV rays with antioxidants. You must munch on berries, spinach, and broccoli, have lots of freshwater fishes, and drink green tea.  


We aspire to have flawless skin because we are envious of beautiful women posting their picture-perfect snaps and aspire to be one too but remember that we are all unique and that there is no such thing as perfection. Your skin may not look like it’s straight from a magazine but what’s important is that it should be healthy. A healthy body will reflect on the outside, so do not neglect your health. Nutrition is crucial to having great skin. All the other tips fail in comparison if you are neglecting your health but they do help you achieve the best version your skin can ever be if you live healthily and follow vital skincare tips that will help you defy gravity and slow down skin aging for as long as possible.

The following blog article Tips For Flawless Skin See more on: RSTN


A Safe Way To Get Rid Of Skin Tags

Having a flawless skin is everyone’s dream. We want to flaunt a clear and fair skin that we can be proud of whether you are a man or woman. ...